Emergencies: 327.0688405Mail: @studiodentisticoisaza.itTimetables: Sunday Closed

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Contacts Chiedi un appuntamento

CLINICA ISAZA SRL Dir. Sanitario Dott. Isaza Penco Santiago Pastore is located at Via del Rondone, 1/2A a Bologna, next to the car park APCOA and Via delle Lame.

By car is easily reachable and parking can be found at the APCOA car park at Via Azzo Gardino, 10. By bus:

  • "RONDONE" stop lines 18, 29-B, 86 
  • "PIAZZA DEI MARTIRI" stop lines 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 30, 36, 39, 61, 62

We are 15 minute walk from the train station.

…otherwise you can write us:

Contact us for further information